Supercat 2600

Thursday, October 7, 2010


JX10, fetcher mode

NOTE: Not quite up to date with latest changes in Stella

In fetcher mode, the cartridge will dynamically generate 6502 code to implement a specialized instruction set. Every instruction will be 16 bits, and will take 2 to 4 cycles to execute. Instructions will be assigned 4-5 character mnemonics to distinguish them from 6507 opcodes. Opcodes ending with "+" may have an "L" or "J" suffix to specify that they should do "Loop-test" or "Jump-loop" (see below) in addition to their normal function.

The JX10 Fetcher itself keeps three pieces of state information, all of them addresses: the next JX10 instruction, the fetcher group 0 table, the and fetcher group 1 table. All other state is manged by performing read-modify-write operations on the data in the fetcher tables, or memory pointed at by such data; any of these latter changes will be directly visible to the target application.

REST+3 cyclesJMP $1010
This instruction takes 3 cycles to execute. A REST instruction must be done at least once every 4,000 cycles or the Atari may malfunction. It translates into JMP $1010.
QUIT addr(EXITS)JMP addr
Generates an "JMP a" instruction and returns to normal code execution.
LIMA value
LIMX value
LIMY value
2 cyclesLDA #value
LDX #value
LDY #value
Load A, X, or Y with an 8-bit immediate value
LDFA group,fetcher,inc
LDFX group,fetcher,inc
LDFY group,fetcher,inc
2 cyclesLDA #data
LDX #data
LDY #data
Load A, X, or Y from fetcher #f of group #g and increment it by i. (lda #imm, etc.)
SDRA+ addr
SDRX+ addr
SDRY+ addr
SDRQ+ addr
3 cyclesSTA addr
STX addr
STY addr
SAX addr
Store A, X, Y, or (A&X) to specified TIA address
SSDA+ addr
SSDX+ addr
SSDY+ addr
SSDQ+ addr
4 cyclesSTA.w addr
STX.w addr
STY.w addr
SAX.w addr
As above, but takes 4 cycles.
SDFR group,fetcher,inc3 cyclesSTA addr
STX addr
STY addr
SAX addr
Get a byte from fetcher #f or group #g, increment it by i, generate a STA, STX, STY, or SAX instruction. Use top two bits of fetched value to select instruction; remaining 6 bits for address.
SSFR group,fetcher,inc4 cyclesSTA.w addr
STX.w addr
STY.w addr
SAX.w addr
As above, but takes 4 cycles (sta abs, etc.)
TSTS addr,g,f3 cyclesBIT addr
Read specified address and store the result to RAM pointed at by the specified fetcher (single-increment mode only). Useful for collision detection.
TSTI addr,group,fetcher3 cyclesBIT addr
Read the specified address and increment the upper byte of the indicated fetcher if bit 7 is set, and/or the lower byte if bit 6 is set. Useful for paddles.

The system has two fetcher-pointers. To perform a fetch-retrieval (e.g. for "LDFA") the system selects one of the pointers using the "g" bit. It then performs the following logic:

addr1 = ptr + f*2
addr2 = memw[addr1]
dat = mem[addr2]
generate opcode from dat
if i<>max then
addr2 += i
addr3 = memw[addr1+2]
dat = mem[addr3], and update flags
if dat was zero
if addr3 is odd then addr2++
memw[addr1] = addr2

Loop-test and Jump-loop behavior:

dat = mem[fetchptr0-4]
if dat=0
fetchptr0 = memw[fetchptr0 - 2]
fetchptr1 = memw[fetchptr0-8] ' Use new value of fp0
virtpc = memw[fetchotr0-6]
memw[fetchptr0-4] = dat
dat = mem[fetchptr1-4]
if dat=0
fetchptr1 = memw[fetchptr1 - 2]
memw[fetchptr1-4] = dat
if (is jump-loop instruction)
virtpc = memw[fetchptr1-6]

Monday, October 4, 2010


JX10, preliminary

JX10 Banking


Atari Programming

There are eight code banks, distinguished by bits 13-15 of the address. Cartridge code execution is only permited at an address of $JHXX, and RIOT RAM code execution is only permitted at $V8HX. Except as provided below, any JMP, JSR, or RTS will cause a bank switch to the bank specified by the top three bits:

Bank 0$1HXXRAM $1HXX
Bank 1$3HXXROM $0HXX
Bank 2$5HXXROM $1LXX
Bank 3$7HXXROM $1HXX
Bank 4$9HXXROM $2LXX

Jumping into RIOT RAM will also trigger a bank switch based upon the upper address bits (e.g. a jump to $08HX will switch to bank 0, $28HX will switch to bank 1, etc.)


There are eight switchable data-banking areas, located at $JLXX (i.e. $1000-$17FF, $3000-$37FF, etc.) Each zone is controlled via various hot-spots at $V200-$VF7F. The $1000-$17FF zone is controlled by various hot-spots at $0200-$0F7F, the $3000-$37FF zone is controlled by hot-spots at $2200-$2F7F, etc. Hot-spots are as follows. Note that access to any addresses in the range $V200-$VFFF other than those listed below is forbidden (future functions will likely be added).

Hot-spots (more will follow):

$V000-$V0FFZero-page trigger (used to determine bank for (ZP,X) and (ZP),Y address
$V100-$V1FFStack trigger (used to determine bank for JSR or RTS address)
$V280-$V2FFRIOT registers (no banking action)
$V400-$V4FFSet LSB of banking address (MSB unaffected)
$V500-$V5FFSet MSB of banking address (LSB unaffected)
$V600-$V601Set bank mode (values below)
$V700-$v71FMap bank to RAM at $0000-$1F00 (LSB cleared)
$V880-$V8FFExecutable RIOT RAM
$V900-$V97FMap bank to ROM at $0000-$7F00 (LSB cleared)
$VC00-$VCFFAdd $0000-$00FF to bank address
$VD00-$VDFFSubtract $0000-$00FF from bank address
$VE00-$VE1FAdd $0000-$1F00 to bank address
$VE40-$VE5FSubtract $0000-$1F00 from bank address

Banking modes (more will follow):

0Access ROM (read-only; writes forbidden)
1Access RAM (reads or ST* instructions; read-modify-write forbidden)

Implementation Notes

The implementation needs to keep track of the address and mode for each of the eight code banks. It also needs to keep a 16-bit variable called

"LastCodeAddr" and a 32-bit variable called "RecentCode".

Addresses are divided into a few groups. Note that most of the hot-spots are treated similarly; for simplicity, they are simply called "hot-spot" below. All addresses given are physical 13-bit address-bus addresses. An emulator may check upper bits to ensure they are as expected.
Wait until address is seen greater than $01FF. Then set RecentCode to ((RecentCode shl 8) or data)
If RecentCode[15..8] is $60, set RecentCode to $00004C00 and clear LastCodeAddr. If RecentCode[15..8] is $20, set RecentCode to $0000004C (leave RecentAddr alone). If neither condition applies, clear RecentCode. In any case, wait until address is seen greater than $01FF and handle RecentCode as with $00XX.
General hot-spot
Use RecentCode[7..5] to select a one of eight banks, and apply hot-spot behavior to that bank.
Banking behavior is like $1800-$1FFF.
Use RecentCode[7..5] to select one of eight banks, and treat according to that bank mode. If RAM, if RecentCode[23-16] is $80-$9F, handle as a write; otherwise handle as a read.
If address does matches LastCodeAddr or LastCodeAddr+1, set RecentCode to ((RecentCode shl 8) or data). Otherwise, if RecentCode[23..16] is 0x4C, set code bank based on RecentCode[7..5]; if address hadn't matched, clear RecentCode.

Super-Fetcher mode (preview)

In super-fetcher mode, all addresses $JXXX will be treated identically. The cartridge will maintain its own program counter, and execute two-byte super-instructions. Each super-instruction will generate the data for one or more bus cycles. Some typical super-instructions would be "Load accomulator from fetcher 19", "Store X in COLUP1", and "stuff a 6507 'JMP $1000' instruction. Note that disassembly via normal means will be totally meaningless.


October 2010   May 2011  

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